Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello to the Americans in....America.
    We are coming at you here from humid, hot, moisty-aired (yes, humid) Thailand. And its December....its hot...and its December? How!? I do not know. But I hope your December is cold and frosty and snowy!
  So, we hung out with Kris and her mom, who is super cute, the first couple of days. That was fun to tour around who knew the languge and could order us food! NOW!  We've been in Thai Lanuage School for like a week. We know how to order food ourselves and how to greet people! WOW! Super cool. We've been learning a lot about the culture and even about ourselves! We definitely stick out here though and in Thai the word for foreigner is "farang".  We hear that almost every day! :D
   We've been slowly getting to know the other girls here with us. Our roommate, Sarah is super cool! We really love her! :D Basically, we wake up. Go down the five flights of stairs (we're on the top floor which is somewhat annoying but it has a great view!) and then onto the street. We get breakfasts at 7-Eleven since they're pretty much on every corner here. School-it takes about an hour and half to get there some days because of traffic. But we eat from street vendors then learn. Afterwards we go the long way back (we have school from 1-3pm with 10 minute breaks every 50 minutes) and then eat from street vendors here as well. SUPER INTERESTING FOOD HERE!  Come and try them out! There are these great crape-things here with banana and chocolate...makes a nice dessert! YUM!  And there's a lady here with smoothie/slushy things and she puts a milky-ish liquid, sugar, and cocoa in. Blends it. Then adds Oreos-no less....perfect amount! It is soo yummy! :D  Then, we just chill at night. Study....well...some of us study. Devotions and quiet time are in the mornings and evenings-different people do it at different times-and we talk and get to know each other more.  We have fun. But, it's not like New York when you can run around like freaks. People here are very and I are....adjusting?? adjust...we're....were getting there!  haha
    So! Here's to another week of Lanuage School with our really nice teacher! She just laughs at how much we fail at Thai. haha! We have fun! We're secretly her favorites...she even said so!
   Oh! NOTE: If anyone comes to Thailand! DO NOT SAY THE WORD "KEY". In Thai it means....a turd. okay!  LESSON OF THE DAY...complete.  Thank you...we learned that one really fast :/   whoopsy!  haha  Lots of good stories!
    I hope you all have a wonderful day. So long from us girlies in Thailand!

1 comment:

  1. Bananas and Chocolate! That sounds yummy! Glad to hear you guys are doing well. Love ya bunches! ~Jann~
