Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello everyone! Sorry this blog is a bit late, we have been very busy!

The past week (a little more) we have done a lot of the same things we have been doing. Our schedule pretty much stays the same. I will pin point some of the more exciting things that happened.

We have officially started fasting for the Jesus festival (40 days prior to it) each of us are fasting different things and we are interceding for the event!

On Friday (feb 15) we went on a prayer drive to the site where the Jesus festival will be in march, and then went out for lunch with our friend, tookta. It was very good to reconnect with her

Saturday, instead of teaching at compassion, we went on a field trip with the kids to a self sufficient army base. We learned how to make soap, bricks, and fish food. Everyone was very nice and seemed a lot more happy to be in the army than most Americans! They smiled a lot. Saturday afternoon we went swimming, it was very refreshing!

Sunday our old room mate who we lived with in Bangkok, Sarah, came and stayed with us for the night! It was very exciting to be able to reconnect with her. We miss her very much! We took her out for pizza, and on Monday (late) morning we went to the park and the fresh market for lunch! It was a lot of fun.

The rest of our week was basically the same as our normal schedule. We said goodbye to the kids at the preschool because we are leaving for India and when we get back they will be on their term break (same as summer in the US)

Tomorrow morning we fly to Bangkok and the next morning we fly to India! We are very excited to get there, meet new people, and reconnect with old friends! I will post some pictures of recent things happening when i get a chance, until then, have a great day and rest of your week! Thank you for the continuous prayers and support. It is much appreciated!

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