Monday, April 1, 2013

Goodness gracious! So its been like almost two weeks since we last wrote-thatd be my fault. Whoopsy! Thanks for waiting dear friends! :D

So I believe we were walking about what the Jesus Festival/Miracle Night/Henry Madava (they’re all different names for the same event just in case I say different things, Im still talking about the same night, alright? Alright!)

So Friday and Saturday morning, the 22nd and 23rd of March, we had early morning seminars with Pastor Henry for the leaders and pastors of the churches in Ubon. He talked about prayer and the power of Christ within us. That as we would see miracles happening that night and within the next three days, we needed to remember that it was God’s power working through us. He talked about a verse that told us to 1) preach the gospel.  2) heal the sick.   3) cast out demons and 4) raise the dead. It was very good. We had worship and then he spoke and they provided lunch. Yum! On the first day, Bekah, Piak (our friend from the house church) and I went over to the field that we were going to have the Miracle Night to help set up but it was during the hottest part of the day so no one wanted to work yet so we ended up just sitting under a tent and talking to some guy that wanted to sell us some Organo coffee. Haha! Make new friends everywhere. Then at about 4:00 Bekah and I went up to help Kris and Silk set up for the Prayer Team time. The first night…so many things happened! So many things went wrong! Lets see here: the projecting wasn’t projecting onto the screen, the sound wasn’t working properly, Henry Madava and his team were lost in the University (where we were having the Miracle Night). Guess what? As people on the prayer team started to arrive, those prayer requests were lifted up to the One True God who hears His people and answers them. And He did! I don’t think there was a prayer request that wasn’t answered within the first five minutes of us praying. IT WAS CRAY! GOD answers us soo fast! Hurray for Jesus! :D  So yeah. We started at like 5:30 to pray. We sang songs and prayed for people to come, for people to be open, for Henry to have the right words, etc. At about 9:00 some of the team went down onto the field because Henry was having a time of prayer for the sick. There was a row of people that were sick-paralyzed, slumped over, hurt backs, hurt knees and legs, blind people, deaf people, people that couldn’t speak…it was nuts! Ive never seen some of that before! :O  Yet, GOD is the Provider and the Healer now and forevermore. Bekah and I stayed up in the Prayer Room and prayed for the people on the field. AS the night went on, Henry asked anyone that was healed to come to the front and give a testimony. There were lots of people healed. Some people who couldn’t see were gradually beginning to see. An older lady that couldn’t hear out of her right ear for 20 years could finally hear. Lots of older men and women with hurt backs who had to walk bent over, could finally walk up straight. Let me tell you what, guys. You hear this kind of stuff and you can see videos of it but sometimes you still may have a bit of doubt in the back of your mind…I was that person. Not so anymore! I saw the before and after of people who couldn’t hear well or who walked funny walking perfectly fine! :D  GREAT! It was sooo cool! GOD is such a cool God guys! There are no limitations to His wonder and His power and His healings! After the prayer, we helped clean up the Prayer Room and went home.

We pretty much went through the same thing the second day-Saturday-except that we went home in the afternoon from 1-3:30. That’s a two and half hour break, folks! It was a long day to say the least. And more healings the second night! Bekah went down to the field the second night but I stayed up in the Prayer Room and just watched what was happening and prayed for everyone. All peoples; the helpers, Pastor Henry and his team, the translators, the Prayer Team, the sick, the other people praying for the sick.

On Sunday, we did not have a seminar with Henry in the morning so our house church went to a market close to the field by the university and handed out fliers to the workers there. It was hot but I think it was good! :D  We ate with our house church and got a wonderfully delicious dessert. It was sticky rice with coconut milk and sweet mango on the side with these little crunchy things. Oh my stars! It was soo delicious Especially because this is the season for mangos now! Yummy! They were all so surprised that we had never had it before. :O  GASP!  Haha. That evening was the last evening for the Jesus Festival. Both Bekah and I went down to the field and prayed for people. For the whole group and with people personally. Nothing really changed to the sick people that I prayed for as I was praying for them but we know that God can continue to heal them! :D  We stayed afterward to help clean up and that was actually really fun. SO!  We learned a ton and lots of miracles happened and God did His stuff there and stirred in the peoples hearts…and ours as well….and yeah! Just all around good stuff. We were ready for Monday to come though because we were exhausted.

Monday evening we went to Pizza Company with the House Church to celebrate Geng’s birthday and because Bonus is leaving for London soon! :O  Soooo that was a celebration and goodbye and that was fantastic!  Afterwards, we went bowling and Took Ta & Bonus’ mom and dad came as well. That was super fun. They’re both super cute. Also, our friend Katie’s brother was visiting so that was nice to have him join us as well.

Tuesday we had Thai tutoring, as usual, but theeeennn! We went over to Took Ta and Bonus’ house to make some Hamburger Soup!  It was delicious! We were so happy to have a stove to cook something with and we taught Bonus how to make it. She said she wants to make it in London…score one for the American Cooks! Aww yeah! ;D
On Wednesday we went to the Psychiatric Hospital and then went out to dinner with Geng, Took Ta and Bonus. We got delicious dessert after that. It was bread with this green milky, sweet sauce. Yeah! Don’t remember what it was called but still good! :)  Oh! And guess what guys!? Les Mis is out there on for free! Bekah and I watched it. Good times!

Our last day of Thai tutoring was held on Thursday the 28th from 12:30-2:00pm. Thank you very much to all you people who supported us in this long journey! ;D  teehee. We got coffee with Bonus and then watched a movie with her and went out to dinner. It was our very last time to see her so we exchanged some gifts. What a good friend we have! :) 

On the 29th, we flew to Bangkok and joined some of the friends that we went to Thai school with! It was great to see them again and have a bigger group of girls to spend our time with/ We went out to lunch and then just caught up with them until the sun went down and evening came. We went to a steak place with some of our other friends with the Team we were with before-we’re going to be spending a few days in Bangkok with them just to see what theyre doing now and to encourage them and then we’re all going on a retreat and staying a few days afterward to hang out at the beach! It’s gonna be great! :D  

Saturday we went shopping with Brittany (one of the girls on the team. There is also Rachel and Nikki and they’re terrific girls! Glad we can hang out with them!) and her leader, Lynn. Got lots of stuff! Super hot but good. I think we shopped for about five hours, I believe. We went with them to the park and joined Nikki and Rachel in the late afternoon, got some grub and then went back to our room in the apartment.

Sunday the 31st we had an Easter service at their leaders house with a whole bunch of people. Bekah and I have become accustomed to being with about 8-12 people for church. There were 30 people there…bit of a change but it was fun. So we sang some songs and shared about what we learning from God that week and what we wanted to thank Him for. Then we split up. There were a lot of visitors there; people from Laos, Nicaragua, America, Thailand and the Philippines…soo! We split into Thai, English and Spanish speaking groups and read the Easter Story together and then talked about it. There was some leftovers candy so we gladly helped the little kids finish that up! :D   We went to another friend’s house and went swimming. We babysat their six year old boy-all five of us…haha!-and got some street food. Then we watched Ice Age 3 with him and talked until it was time to leave.

Today is April 1st which is crazy to think about because April seemed so long to me in November when I left. We took Claire, Eliza and Silas (Tom and Candice’s kids…I believe we talked about them…oh my….back in December maybe?) to the mall to go to a waterpark on the top level. Went down slides, played in little pools and fountains and such. Then we got some ice cream and now I am writing this as we are back home relaxing. Tonight we will grab some supper on the street and watch a movie. Bit tired now. Busy busy busy! :O   Hope you guys were okay holding up for so long. Thanks for reading this everybody! :D

      Until next time!

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