Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey everyone! Sorry this update is so delayed. The past week has been insane! I know all of you are wondering about Sandy and how we were affected by it. Well.. we weren't affected at all! Other than hearing some winds and Feeling the rain when we were outside. We didn't even lose electricity! That was quite a blessing. Anyways, lets dive into the week.

Monday morning we went back to Dr. Decaro's and talked about how to prove that the bible is real. After that we went to operation exodus (the after school program) that was a lot of fun, as usual. Both of us are really enjoying getting to know the kids in our classes. We really enjoy creating relationships with children! The rest of the night we just hung out at the apartment

Tuesday morning the people who had breakfast ministry did that and then we did the Joyshop series in the afternoon. In the evening the spanish speaking teams went to spanish class and spanish church. Karla and I went shopping with Bonnie. Then came home and learned some Thai. That was when Karla started to have an extreme amount of pain in her right side. This really scared us because we thought it was appendicitis. We all surrounded her and prayed for her before we took her into the hospital. We decided since i (bekah) am her team mate that i would be the best person to come with her. I was only allowed to stay with Karla for about an hour before they told us that they only wanted one person in the room with Karla and the other person had to wait in the waiting room. Bonnie figured it would be better for her to stay because she was responsible for her. I ended up coming home on the bus. It was a very long and stressful night filled with blood work, CAT scan and an ultra sound to try and find out what was wrong. Finally the doctor came to the conclusion that she had an ovarian cyst that ruptured. Karla and Bonnie got back at around 5am. Karla slept for as long as she could and has been feeling much better since.

Wednesday morning we went to the bowery and served there until around 2 then we all came home and everyone quickly took showers and got ready to go see Wicked on broadway. I would suggest that if anyone wants to see a broadway show, they see Wicked. It is an absolutely fantastic show. I think the whole team agree's that it was amazing.

Thursday we had most of the morning free. We did some more of the Joyshop series. In the afternoon we went to the after school program again. The rest of the evening we just hung out

Friday in the morning we went to world vision. In the afternoon we hung out around the apartment and in the evening we went to the spanish church again. The service was very fulfilling and just what everyone needed.

Saturday in the morning we went to serve with manna of life again. We went to a family shelter rather than the living room. It wasn't as cold outside as it was last time so that was nice. We made some new friends there too. In the afternoon we went and rode the Staton Island ferry so we could see the Statue of Liberty. That was pretty fun

Sunday we went to church in the morning. Went shopping in the afternoon. In the evening we had a very long team meeting about everything that was on our hearts basically. It was cool to see everyone talk to each other in a very mature way

Monday was the day that the hurricane was the worst. The mentor we were supposed to have did not come because it was pretty dangerous. We finished up the Joyshop series in the morning and sat around and watch movies all day. All of us were pretty bored for the day. We went outside and played in the rain for a little bit. It was hard to sit inside all day

Today! woohoo. Okay this morning we got up and made our individual team goals and mission statement. That was pretty fun to come up with. Some of us went to the park and played football and walked around since we didn't get to go outside most of monday. Now were just hanging around the apartment and talking with each other.

This trip is coming and going so fast! Only 2 and 1/2 more weeks. That is bittersweet. Were excited to see what God has in store for us for next week!

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