Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why hello to all you wonderful folks who have stuck with us so far. How are ya? This week has been going by so fast. I cannot belive we already have to write another blog. WHOA HEY!
  So, a few of you have mentioned that I, this is Karla by the way, should no longer write blogs because I am sporadic. I am here to say...Stuff it! HELLO! I am STILL HERE. Watch out and put on your seat belt! Mwahh ha ha ha haaaaa..... Thank you.  Enjoy.
  Anyway. Lets get on with our schedule, shall we? So Monday, the 15th we went to Dr. DeCaro's apartment for our mentor time. We learned about theology and Christology. That was quite interesting actually. Once we returned home, we started our Anita Keagy series. (She is not actually here; we just watched her on DVD. For all of you who do not know Anita Keagy, she is a wonderful lady of GOD who talked to us about seeking God and getting excited about His word. It was my fourth time hearing h er speak, but every time I learn something new so Bekah and I were okay with it-she knows her too.) I don't exactly remember what we did the rest of the night. Most likely, we just talked all night long.
  On Tuesday, Beth lead us in devotions and for worship. We finished the Anita Keagy Series together and then the Spain and Columbia teams went to the Spanish Church. Oh!-Bonnie's husband, Steve and her granddaughter, Janessa, came for two days. She. Is. ADORABLE! She's four years old and 100% girl. She brought so much joy to our lives for those two days though, and we watched sooo many movies! :O  While the other teams were gone, I played hide and go seek. Her best hiding spot was behind the was very cute. She just sat in the hallway behind the couch. Once everyone returned, we watched Tangled. Such an amazing movie! :D  We were all a bit tired after that because we had been playing with Jay (Janessa) all day long! So, we went to cuddle underneath our blankets for the night.
    The next day, which was Wednesday the 17th of October in the year 2012, we went to the Bowery again. Beth served the food while some of us cut up the food for supper. A few of us had to go back in the pantry and organize pepper. Yes, thats right. We wore masks, and we dumped two containers of Cayenne Pepper into a bag so that they could hand it out to the homeless later. That was quite interesting. We were still sneezing a bit when we left. YIKES!  Then, we went to the after school program, Exodus, at Manhattan Bible. Those kids just never get old. They're so full of life and joy Whenever they have announcements, they start and end with prayer. Hands go straight up to the ceiling when asked who wnats to pray. And they're powerful prayers too. Crazy! My favorite part is worship. Although, I'm usually pretty hot by the end because I just lift the little people (kids) up and down the whole time. The leaders have motions for all of the songs though so the older kids follow along with them. I think we just played games the rest of the night.
    Thursday Asher, Karla and Eryca went to Breakfast Ministry. Then, Asher led us in worship and devotions. We went to the food pantry at Manhattan Bible. We bagged carrots and lettuce to hand out to the people that went through the line. School Program afterwards. Night? Umm...kinda a blur. Ask Bekah. Sorry. We chilled or watched a movie or something I'm sure.
    FRIDAY! FRIIDAY FRIDDDAAYY!  Guess who came to visit us again? Aunt Vicky and Shari came, and Shari talked to us about our life purpose. Holy snap!  What a good discussion. A lot of us opened up and discussed issues we were dealing with. We each learned a lot about each other and about ourselves. Throughout the day, we each went with either Shari or Vicky and talked to them about ourselves until we discovered who we really were and made a life purpose statement. Now, we each feel fulfilled. The rest of the day we spent bonding with them. We played Catchphrase again! :D YEAH BUDDY! That was exciting! THEN!  Oh boy oh boy oh boy!  Then!!!! We watched Bourne Identity! snap, if you have not watched this movie please stop reading and go watch it! Its very good and it has Matt Damon so its obviously a terrific movie! :O We talked for a bit more with Aunt Vicky and Shari until we all went into our bedrooms. The girls had a major Girls Bonding Time staying up late talking and giggling and such. We may or may not have kept Vicky and Shari up. Whoops!
  Wakey Wakey! Because we had an egg and sausage casserole on Saturday!  Bonnie's treat because Vick and Shari were here. We hung out with them until they had to leave and then we all went to the park. Beth, Karla and Aaron played some football, and we just enjoyed laying down out on the grass for a while. Saturday was a super relaxing day. We went to Central Park at like 10:45pm to go star gazing! That was wonderful! Renee taught us about all the stars and the background behind them. We got to have some good alone time, just reflecting on how big GOD is. I think everyone saw at least one shooting star. We layed down on a huge rock in the middle of the park to look up through a hole the trees had made to the sky. Wow. It was amazing. I saw a satellite! We stayed out till like 1am I guess it was. It took about an hour or so to get back home. Then, the girls stayed up until 4am talking...haha!  Yeah, great idea but it was greatly needed. Just talking about how great our GOD is that we serve. How vast the universe is. How much we all love each other. Great! It was good. We finally decided we needed to stop and try to go to was a bit rough though because we were all soooo awake! :O
   Anyway, Sunday comes along. We went to Fellowship Chapel and lead the congregation in worship to the songs: Days of Elijah and GOD of Justice. If you have never heard the song GOD of Justice before, it's basically our teams new song so you should go listen to it. I think it's by Tim Hughes. GOOD SONG! People from Bethany Assembly Church came and danced. We had communion and dedicated our missions statements to the LORD. Snap. I don't even know how to describe the service today. It got me. I'll say that much. The Spirit was definitely in that place, and it was an experience! :D Anyway, we've been chilling here ever since we got back. Beth and Karla went to the park across the street to have quiet time while everyone else stayed in the apartment. We watched End of the Spear. Now, we're all dying down and planning on going to sleep soon. Tomorrow we're going back to Dr. DeCaro's. The end. Thanks for reading to day folks!  Until next time! Have a wonderful day! :D

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